"When I met this girl Cammi, I felt that we could develop a relationship and we only just started but this thing happened.
These photos was intentional Cammi who want to take advantage of Chen's name to make him famous. Allegations was delivered by a model from Taiwan, Shen Chi-ming. Chi-ming also litigants with Cammi. The young model had a Chi-ming accused committed fornication in his apartment.
According to Chi-ming, Cammi always take advantage of leading men in pursuit of its popularity in the world of the artist. Chi-ming adds in this case, he and Chen is a victim Cammi.
In an interview, Cammi admitted the photos were circulated after his cell phone missing. However, Chi-ming can not believe the explanation Cammi.
The reporters were waiting for Tse when she finished her classes and pressed her further as she left her school.
In response to questions about whether there were even more salacious photos in her phone, Tse said, "No, the sexiest ones have already surfaced."
The model also denied claims that Chen had been 'sexting' her and had even asked her to satisfy his sexual fetishes.
And did she have sexual relations with Chen?
"No!" said Tse.
Tse's father, who escorted her as she left her school, told reporters that he would be bringing Tse to see a doctor soon and expressed that he would not want Chen for a son-in-law.
Even if the pair did have relations, Edison Chen is in the clear as the legal age of sexual consent in Hong Kong is 16.
Cammi join a model management company in Hong Kong since 2010. He and several other models of semi-pornographic albums ever made. However, this long-haired maiden name was also lifted in the world model.
Pop star Edison Chen, whose sex pictures with female celebrities went viral and led to a scandal in 2008, on Tuesday admitted having dated Cammi Tse, 16, hours after pictures of them exchanging hot kisses appeared in tabloid Eastweek and were circulated online.
In one picture, Chen, 31, with his torso bare, grins at the camera while he presses Tse's head against his.
Intimate Photos of Edison Chen with a 16-year-old female student
1 komentar:
Edison Chen does it again. Check out some hot sexy scans of Cammi Tse here.
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