The toolbar is for Firefox only, so if you’re not running the best browser on the net, I suggest you download Firefox 3. Again, to make sure it works properly, make sure you are running FIREFOX 3.
Features :
- The first button you see is a button that lists all your accounts. Using this button, you can switch instantly between any account you own. If you don’t have multiple blogs listed at Entrecard, this won’t affect you.
- The second button gives you a report of how many credits you have, and how many drops you’ve done today. Click it, and it will drop down to give you the options of visiting your dashboard, messagebox, ad calendar, Statistics, Linked Blogs page, and the buy EC page.
- You can select your Inbox, Favorites, or any Entrecard Category you like, and browse these sites with a single click of a button right from your browser. The Toolbar will automatically take you to these sites.
- Want to browse your Inbox by the Most Popular? Or, would you like to go through the least expensive sites in the Technology category? Or perhaps you’d like to go through the most advertised sites in the celebrity category, because if they’re the most advertised, the blog is probably great. Entrecard Toolbar makes it possible.
- Click on the single green arrow, and you will instantly be taken to an Entrecard site. Click the double green arrow, and your browser will open the next 10 Entrecard sites, as per your specifications in “How to Browse” and “What to Browse”.
- That’s right, Entrecard’s famous one-click advertising is now coming at you from the browser. Any site you are on will display its price in the browser, and with just a single click, you can advertise on that site.
- We also packed a menu into the toolbar that gives you all the options to interact with a site. That means that right from the toolbar, you can go to someone’s profile, write them a recommendation, Tip them (give them credits), or report them for a violation.
- Finally, we have a dropdown “Entrecard” menu, which will take you to the Entrecard Blog, the community forum, the support forum, the Bugs forum, and the Help section of the website. It will also allow you to log out.
you can download the Entrebar Here
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